RECENT NEW UPDATES: Social Security Forms (SSA-88/89)

Please begin using the new (04/17) version 
of Forms SSA-88 and SSA-89.
The Social Security Administration ( has asked NCS to inform you of recent changes to Form SSA-88/ SSA-89. 

Revised versions of Form SSA-88 (the pre-Approval Form for CBSV) and Form SSA-89 (authorization for the SSA to release social security number (SSN) verification) are now available for public use as of June 26, 2017. These changes were designed for:
- Easier form storage and retrieval
- Safer and more secure for the public

      1. Markings such as a barcode, quick response code, tracking number, and a fax stamp to the 04/17 Version of Form SSA-89 appended at the top, bottom, or side margins only are now legal making storage & retrieval easier and safer. *These markings may only be appended to the top, bottom or side margins (white area) of the form.

      2. The Spanish version of Form SSA-89-SP is on its way.  We will notify you when it is completed and uploaded to website.  For now, please continue using the current (06/13) version of Form SSA-89-SP.

      3. The revised (04/17) version of Form SSA-89 still requires a wet “pen and ink” signature. Electronic/digital signatures are not accepted.  
      Form SSA-89
      Form SSA-88


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